Alpha of Essential Logging RollingFile(1 min read)

The new Microsoft.Extensions.Logging system has some improvements over the previous System.Diagnostics, with built in support for dependency injection and semantic logging (although I tend to think a singleton-type pattern, like TraceSource, is better than cluttering up every constructor with a logger).

Strangely, however, Microsoft did not include a basic file logger; they have App Insights, and even a file logger that works on Azure-only, but no basic logger. I guess they thought between Serilog/NLog/log4net/etc that there were enough third parties.

The only problem with these is that each of then is an entire logging systems, so you end up going through one framework (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging) to get to another framework (e.g. NLog) before you end up at an actual logger (e.g. a file logger). Why two frameworks?

With the old .NET Framework I never understood this either, which is why I wrote a range of TraceListeners, that each independently plugged into System.Diagnostics directly.

And finally I have started to port it across to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging, with an alpha release of Essential.Logging.RollingFile

This won't be another framework, just a bunch of logger providers that plug into the provider system.

It is only alpha; it works -- I mostly just copied it across from Essential.Diagnostics and commented out the invalid parts, but the infrastructure is still in flux while I sort things out.

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