Deploying a secure LwM2M IPv6 test server on AWS(15 min read)

Lightweight Machine-to-Machine (LwM2M) is a compact protocol design for Internet-of-Things (IoT) scenarios, that provides end-to-end services including efficient transport, encryption, device lifecycle, and messaging semantics. Devices deployed to the field will connect to full LwM2M endpoints, however you may also want to deploy your own LwM2M demo server for testing purposes.

This article shows you how to deploy an Eclipse Leshan server onto Amazon Web Services (AWS), configured for secure connections (COAPS for messaging, and HTTPS with basic authentication for the Web UI), accessible over the internet, and including support for both IPv6 and legacy IPv4.

First we will configure a network in AWS, then deploy the server, and then test the deployment.

AWS container diagram

Continue reading Deploying a secure LwM2M IPv6 test server on AWS(15 min read)

Deploying a secure MQTT test server on Azure with IPv6(15 min read)

MQTT (originally Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is an important protocol for IoT that has been widely adopted. Devices deployed to the field may be connecting to existing MQTT endpoints, however you may also want to deploy your own MQTT server for testing purposes.

This article shows you how to deploy an Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT server onto Azure, configured for secure connections (MQTTS, which is MQTT over TLS), accessible over the internet, and including support for both IPv6 and legacy IPv4.

First we will configure a network in Azure, then deploy the server, and then test the deployment.

The instructions below show the individual commands, but if you want a quick start then full scripts, with automatic parameters, are available on Github

To deploy the network and then server components via the scripts:

az login
az account set --subscription <subscription id>
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
./azure-mosquitto/infrastructure/deploy-mosquitto.ps1 YourSecretPassword

Read on for the full details.

Continue reading Deploying a secure MQTT test server on Azure with IPv6(15 min read)

Securing your IPv6-only docker server(8 min read)

It is important to ensure your IPv6-only docker server is secure.

First configure your firewall to allow secure shell (SSH), port 22, so that you can maintain your remote connection.

Then turn on your firewall with default deny incoming and default deny routing rules.

This ensures your server is secure-by-default, and only then should you allow routing to the specific containers and ports that you want to expose.

My server runs Ubuntu, so these instructions are based on the Uncompliciated Firewall (UFW), but similar considerations apply to other platforms

Continue reading Securing your IPv6-only docker server(8 min read)

Running an IPv6-only host — redux(11 min read)

I have previously blogged about why you should consider IPv6 only hosting and setting up Apps on Kubernetes IPv6 to run my WordPress blog.

Kubernetes is not really designed for a single server (but is great for scaling and enterprise system), and although it was good experience learning how to set it up on IPv6, the overhead was too much and I eventually ended up with a crashed blog.

I'm still running IPv6 only, but with a much simpler set up.

This consists of docker, configured to run with IPv6, with docker-compose to run the different components and systems.

If you are planning on setting up your own server, read my notes on Securing your IPv6-only docker server before starting.

On my server there are currently three instances of WordPress for different websites, and 3 corresponding databases, as well as a Matrix Synapse server and plugins.

Read on for my notes on initial setup of the server with IPv6 and connectivity testing, including addressing schemes, docker configuration, IPv6 network address translation, and the Network Discovery Protocol Proxy Daemon.

Continue reading Running an IPv6-only host — redux(11 min read)

Crashed blog… now restored(1 min read)

So, I pushed the single-server Kubernetes cluster that I was running my blog on a little too far, and it crashed into a bit of a heap. The pods running the different sites, including this blog, failed, and the underlying database got corrupted.

It has been down for a few weeks now. Initially I thought it was just a server issue and rebooted. When it didn't come up, I did little bits of investigation over the following weeks, just a few hours at a time, to figure out the issue.

I managed to work out how to restore the database and get it working, but the server was not stable. It would quickly crash, and trying to activate more than one site would just cause problems.

Kubernetes is quite complicated, and there is a lot of overhead for a single server. It was still a good exercise to understand the complexities of deploying Kubernetes on IPv6.

Now, deploying multiple services via containers is still a good approach, with Kubernetes simply a way to orchestrate, and manage, a large number of containers. So, I can pretty much just run the same containers, just directly (instead of inside Kubernetes).

As you can see, from this blog entry, my services are now back up and running.

There was still the complexity of running on IPv6 only, which I should probably write up in more detail, but for now a lot of it was based on an article by Stefan Kleeschulte,

Apps on Kubernetes IPv6 – Kubeapps, WordPress(8 min read)

Once you have Kubernetes running on IPv6 only the next step is to install some apps.

This is my first post written on my new WordPress instance, hosted on Kubernetes IPv6 only. If you are reading it, then it is working 🙂

Of course apps have their own issues not being configured by default to work with IPv6, so for each app you need to test and work out what configuration details need to be tweaked (assuming the app supports IPv6 in the first place).

To start off with, I installed Kubeapps, to get an application management dashboard, and then used that to install WordPress.

With WordPress installed, I exported the content from my old blog and then imported it into the new instance, and tweaked a few WordPress settings.

The final step was to configure the Mythic Beasts reverse proxy, to make my blog available for legacy IPv4 users.

Continue reading Apps on Kubernetes IPv6 – Kubeapps, WordPress(8 min read)

Kubernetes on IPv6 only(9 min read)

Kubernetes is an open source platform for managing containerised applications.

IPv6 is the next generation Internet protocol, and running on IPv6 only simplifies configuration and administration, and avoids the performance issues and complexities of IPv4 encapsulation, NAT, and conflicting private address ranges.

The default configuration of Kubernetes is IPv4, and there are few, and scattered, examples and guidance for setting up IPv6 dual stack, let alone single stack.

I have collected instructions from the different sources into a single guide to successfully deploy Kubernetes with IPv6 only.

See the guide for full instructions:

The blog post contains some additional background on what I did to gett the deployment working. The deployment was tested on Ubuntu 20.04 running on an IPv6 only virtual server from Mythic Beasts.

Continue reading Kubernetes on IPv6 only(9 min read)

IPv6 virtual networks on Azure(2 min read)

IPv6 support for Azure VNets is currently available in preview (

Most of it is available via the Azure Portal, but I found allocating an IP config to a network card had to be done via the shell.

Here are the steps I did to test:

Continue reading IPv6 virtual networks on Azure(2 min read)